Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Opinion: Has eBay officially jumped the shark?

So, I've been an eBay member since 1999. I have an exemplary feedback profile and tend to sell high ticket items because that's the only thing that can pull a worthwhile net profit selling items on the auction site. Imagine my unrestrained enthusiasm when a hold was put on the "instant" PayPal payment for my recent MacBook sale. This action is clearly not protecting buyers in the marketplace, but is once again alienating sellers like myself willing to give it one last shot. Nice going policy whores!  This was after it took me 4 hours and two attempts to convince eBay agents that my listing was not fraudulently inserted--thus delisting my item and reseting my login. Brilliant!

If you think there is merit to the ad campaign that is running now which states the average person has about $3,000 worth of unused stuff sitting around the house, consider how much of that you would actually see if you auctioned it off--especially if it was many smaller items. Given the shipping cost, time, and ridiculous fees collected for auctioning items on eBay, unless you have one item worth $3,000 that is lighter than 10 lbs, why bother? If you just need the space, take your items to Goodwill and opt for the tax write-off instead. If you need the money, sell it on Craiglist--hey no Paypal holds there! If you want to try selling it on eBay, best of luck to you. Even new sellers are treated better than 10 year veteran sellers with 100% positive feedback. Total BS.

Final tipping point? The help link for the topic "Why is Paypal holding my money" from the page does not exist.

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